Media Policy

An important function of today's prosecutors is to inform the public about the working of a prosecutor's office. This office will always seek to be available to members of the media to answer questions about the criminal justice system and, when possible, about specific cases. However, to protect the integrity of investigations and pending cases, we frequently cannot comment . To provide guidance, the links to the right are Supreme Court Rules governing the behavior of prosecutors and specifically setting out certain prohibitions related to pre-trial publicity. Additionally, the following are general policies for our staff when speaking with the media.

1.  Our office will not comment on pending investigations other than to confirm our involvement in matters that are already a matter of public knowledge.

2.  Any inquiries regarding particular cases may be addressed to the Assistant District Attorney General handling the case. If they do not feel comfortable in speaking on the case, they may refer the reporter to General Crump for comment.

3.  Any inquiries regarding any policy of this office or pending and proposed legislation should be directed to General Crump.

Supreme Court Rule 3.6 (Trial Publicity)

Supreme Court Rule 3.8 (Prosecutor)